The Heart of St. Charles Borromeo

 The Basilica of Saints Ambrose and Charles, commonly known as "San Carlo al Corso" because it is located on the Via del Corso, is dedicated St. Ambrose and St. Charles Borromeo, both bishops of Milan.  The church was constructed beginning in 1612 in honor of the canonization of St. Charles Borromeo in 1610.  The church has an ambulatory behind the main altar with a reliquary holding the heart of St. Charles Borromeo.  I asked St. Charles to intercede for me and the parishioners of my parish, St. Charles Borromeo, in Bensalem.  

Main altar - "Glory of Saints Ambrose and Charles" Note St. Charles' motto: "Humilitas" (humility) on the front of the altar and in the painting.  

Ambulatory with the reliquary containing the heart of St. Charles Borromeo


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