Basilica of St. Sebastian and the Catacombs

 We celebrated Mass in the Basilica of St. Sebastian, the church where we find the relics St. Sebastian, the bodyguard of the emperor who was martyred when it was discover that he was a Christian.  After Mass we took a tour of the Catacombs where the Christian community in Rome buried their dead between the third and the 5th centuries A.D.  (No pictures or video are permitted in the catacombs.)

Prayer to St. Sebastian
Glorious Sebastian, martyr and saint,
 I call on your strength and courage
to help me through this difficult trial.
Your faith was so deep,
a multitude of arrows could not finish you.
I ask for your intercession 
that I may also survive that which threatens 
to destroy my beliefs in the mercy of Christ.

Celebramos Misa en la Basílica de San Sebastián, iglesia donde se encuentran las reliquias de San Sebastián, el guarda espaldas del emperador que fue martirizado al descubrirse que era cristiano. Después de la Misa hicimos un recorrido por las Catacumbas donde la comunidad cristiana en Roma enterró a sus muertos entre los siglos III y V d.C. (No se permiten fotografías ni videos en las catacumbas).


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