Pilgrimage to Rome!
Dear Friends in Christ/Queridos Amigos en Cristo,
I am on my way to Rome, Italy for a pilgrimage! I am leading a pilgrimage inspired by my patron saint, St. Philip Neri, the "2nd Apostle of Rome." St. Philip regularly took his devotees to a walking pilgrimage to the 7 Pilgrim Churches in Rome. We will see all of the Pilgrim Churches which include the Major Basilicas and 3 minor basilicas of historical significance. Unlike St. Philip, we will not be walking or doing them all in one day! I hope to share pictures with commentary as I go, similar to the posts that I published on the pilgrimage to the Holy Land last February. I ask for your prayers for me and my fellow travelers, which include my mother and father. I will be keeping all of you and the parishioners of St. Charles Borromeo parish in my prayers along the way. During the trip, I will see the church in Rome where St. Charles Borromeo's heart is preserved. I will conclude my travels by visiting St. Charles Borromeo's tomb in Milan. I will be asking his intercession and special blessings upon St. Charles Borromeo parish.
I am also looking forward to celebrating Mass at the different basilicas and to attending Pope Francis' Angelus Address on Sunday, January 14, to conclude the pilgrimage. I will carry the Pope's blessing home for all of you. If you have any special intentions, feel free to email me or to send a request via the comments on this blog.
Arrivederci and molti benedizioni,
Father Forlano
También espero celebrar Misa en las diferentes basílicas y asistir al Ángelus del Papa Francisco el domingo 14 de enero. Llevaré la bendición del Papa a todos ustedes. Si tiene alguna intención especial, no dude en enviarme un correo electrónico o enviar una solicitud a través de los comentarios de este blog.
Que Dios los bendiga,
Padre Forlano
St. Philip, pray for us! San Felipe, ¡ruega por nosotros!
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